Top 5 Reasons to Use Sunscreen


Hopefully, by now you've heard how important sunscreen is to the overall health and appearance of your skin. Wearing sunscreen every day is an important part of your skin care routine, and without it, you're exposing the sensitive skin on your face to unnecessary sun damage. And, if you use botanical products, that is a huge plus. My personnel choice is Superbotanicals.coSuper Botanical's products are made with the best botanical ingredients to give you flawless skin. Their Beauty Mystery Box is best of the lot. 

Evens the complexion

Using sunscreen on your face helps keep your complexion even. Sun damage is one of the many causes of uneven skin tones and a daily sun cream helps prevent these effects.

Sun Protection

One of the most obvious and notable benefits of sunscreen is that it protects your skin from the sun's broad spectrum of harmful UV rays. Sunscreen actually reduces UV rays from entering the skin and causing various skin diseases. Even mild sunburns can have harmful effects, so it's important to protect your skin.

Helps protect against the visible signs of premature aging

We all want young, glowing, and healthy skin. But overexposure to sunlight can increase the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. In other words, using sunscreen helps protect against the harmful effects of premature aging or skin aging.

Reduces the risk of cancer

Fortunately, sunscreen is very effective in reducing the risk of various types of skin cancer, especially melanoma. This type of skin cancer is considered very aggressive and can be life-threatening for many women, especially in their 20s. However, you should apply sunscreen daily to see overall protection over days and months.

Overall healthy skin

"When you use sunscreen, the skin is healthier," Michelle emphasizes to her clients. When sunscreen is applied, essential proteins such as keratin are protected in the skin. These proteins are primarily responsible for keeping the skin smooth and healthy in both appearance and function.

Choosing a product

Most clients dread the thought of wearing sunscreen every day. Many people worry that sunscreen lotions will cause them to break out, make their skin look oily, and worst of all, smell like sunscreen all day! Thankfully, skin care products have come a long way and you don't need to apply old-school thin sunscreen every day to reap the great benefits of daily sunscreen use. The product you use will depend on how much time you plan to spend in the sun and the activities you will be doing, but for our purposes, we will focus on sunscreen products that are used daily. Are perfect for, not days at the beach.
